Monday, October 14, 2013

Public Opinion Polls

Public opinion polls are a benefit to American politics. They can help us see where we stand in comparison to the rest of the country. Because of public opinion polls I can see if my opinion is held by the majority or if I'm in the minority. They can unfortunately influence what politicians campaign for and actually advocate for while in office. Critics say that this problem is widespread and that politicians base entire careers on the whims of public opinion. I agree that it happens and can be a disadvantage but I don't think that this is a major problem. On the whole public opinion polls only give a general consensus to how the public feels on one issue. Policymakers know, when passing bills, that they are complex, with many rules and regulations. They also have cost associated with them. For these reasons I think that public opinion polls can have small negative impacts but on the whole benefit American politics.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree. Its nice to see where we stand compared to others even if it doesn't change our own opinions.
