Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Philippines Fix

Recently the Philippines was struck by a major disaster. A gigantic typhoon devastated much of the country and although they are facing many issues, one stands out above all else. The key to helping the people of the Philippines is getting them clean water and avoiding a massive cholera outbreak. They are in a similar situation to Haiti where water was contaminated and cholera ran rampant. In order to avoid this, money should be spent on solar powered water filtration machines.

These machines should be distributed through the PATH Foudation Philippines. This is the best method of distribution for many reasons. Firstly, as a nonprofit, PATH doesn't pay taxes. This means more money can go towards the filtration systems. Next, they know the area, how to distribute, and how to get to relief where it needs to go. They are based in the Philippines so they know the region well. Their goal is to promote health and sustainability in the region, which perfectly coincides with the plan to distribute solar powered water filtration systems. They are also cost effective compared to other charities because they are local. 37 cents of every dollar goes directly to relief.

These solar powered water filtration systems are the relief of the future, especially in areas like the Philippines. They have an abundance of water and sunlight. When we use this sunlight to convert undrinkable water into drinking water, we can eradicate most waterborne illness. By enacting this plan we can expedite recovery and help the country greatly.

Solar Powered Water Filter:


1 comment:

  1. cool. if you want to throw in a link to the machines and to PATH, that would be great.
