Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Essay Seis

A) Both age and education have a positive correlation to voting. As age and education increase for an individual, so does the likelihood of voting. The one exception to this rule extreme old age. As a person gets very old, it becomes harder for them to vote due to ailments or other issues.

B) One electoral voter requirement that decreases voter turnout in most states is the voter registration that must occur well before the election. This decreases voter turnout because it requires planning well ahead. In the few states that allow registration on the day of the election, voter turnout is higher than in the states that do not.

C) One linkage institution other than voting is the mass media. The media connects people with government in many ways. It can get the public's opinion onto the political agenda by bringing issues into the minds of politicians. The media can also connect people with government by showing political adds. This helps people better understand the opinions and stances of politicians who are running. Overall, the media can link the thoughts of politicians to the people and the thoughts of the people to politicians.

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