Monday, February 10, 2014


Engle, Jonah. "Big Pharma And Meth Cooks Agree: Keep Cold Meds Over The Counter." NPR, 26 Sept. 2013. Web. 10 Feb. 2014. <>.

In this interview meth, and meth production, is discussed on various levels. Methamphetamine has become so easily accessible to addicts because of the "shake and bake" method of production. All "cooks" need is some cold medicine and other household items to be shaken in a plastic bottle. Of course, when mixing hazardous chemicals accidents are quite likely. Explosions and fires resulting in burns have increased significantly as meth use has risen. To combat this drug Oregon made cold medicine containing pseudoephedrine a prescription drug. As a result, meth labs decreased by 90 percent. Unfortunately, as other states tried to adopt similar policies, large pharmaceutical companies began lobbying to keep these drugs over-the-counter. So far the drug companies have succeeded and most pseudo has stayed on the streets.

The Meth Epidemic. Dir. Carl Byker. PBS, 17 May 2011. Web. 5 Feb. 2014. <>.

America is currently experiencing an epidemic that is affecting drug users everywhere: methamphetamine. This Frontline looks at the history and current affairs of meth in the U.S.. Meth is cited to be one of, if not the most, addictive substance that there is. Users experience a rush of dopamine to the brain much greater than from sex, food, and other usually stimulating things. Because this release is so large, meth actually rewires the way that the brain works. Nothing can compare to the high that users experience and this is what makes it so addictive. The main component in methamphetamine is pseudoephedrine. It is an ingredient commonly found in cold medicine, and can be bought over-the-counter. Amount of addicts have been traced back to the purity of meth. At times when the super labs of Mexico or California are getting lots of good pseudo, as it's called, quality is up and therefore so is addiction. Overall, This addiction has become an epidemic in America and is ruining many lives.

Perry, Tony. "Meth makes comeback in San Diego, once the 'capital,' officials say ." LA Times [Los Angeles, CA]. LA Times, 8 Feb. 2014. Web. 10 Feb. 2014. <,0,1360197.story#axzz2sxA4TP1o>.

Beginning in the 1980s, San Diego was the methamphetamine capital of the world. From then on, officials made many attempts to decrease use in the area. Through a concentrated police effort and other forms of enforcement many believed that meth use was declining in San Diego. Unfortunately, the most recent report shows that there has been a recent increase in both use and production since around 2005. Meth related death rates have also risen in past years and San Diego officials are not happy. The most recent numbers indicate that the former meth capital of the world may not need the modifier of former for much longer.

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